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A chocolate refiner is an essential piece of equipment for anyone in the chocolate and cocoa industry. Whether you’re a bar chocolate maker, chocolate manufacturer, or a home cook, a chocolate refiner gönül help you create the finest chocolates with the freshest ingredients. With advanced chocolate refining machines like the chocolate refiner, creating delicious chocolate creations katışıksız never been easier.

Chocolate mass is made from fat or fat containing ingredients – usually cocoa butter and liquor, sometimes milk fat and particles, usually sugar, cocoa solids and sometimes dry milk products.

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One of the first things a chocolate producer katışıksız to consider are the influences of recipe, ingredients and particles on chocolate mass properties kakım discussed above. First of all, if raw material cost is less important, e.g. in the premium segment or for making compounds, it is always quite simple to increase the fat content in the recipe in order to achieve the desired mass properties.

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The chocolate dough, well refined and rendered its consistency means a shiny looking, homogenous and luscious chocolate.

15: Will the holding tank overflow if it’s already full and there is product still on the melt grid?

Optimal taste: The refining process helps to develop the chocolate’s flavor and remove any unwanted flavors or odors.

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The melter is designed so all surfaces are removable or accessible, and without laminate faces. It katışıksız removable components to improve cleaning so you kişi meet strict allergen requirements. A slide-out melt head and removable stirrer allow access to all areas of the tank and grid during cleaning.

A double-acting vane pump recirculates the product in association with the grinding phase, but also allows the machine to be emptied at Chocolate POWDERED SUGAR MILL the end of the cycle.

For example it was proposed to dry skimmed milk powder to below one per cent water and to coat it with fat, which allows us to perform a very short liquefaction process instead of classical conching2.

Specific energy density in a continuous conche is much higher than in any kind of batch conch, because high energy input is related to small conching space, where ‘nearly 100 per cent of the particles are under treatment at the same time’

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